Enum Value Arguments
Entity anchor argument
The entity anchor argument has two valid inputs: feet
and eyes
. The resulting LookAnchor
is mainly used for methods like
Entity#lookAt(Position, LookAnchor)
Player#lookAt(Entity, LookAnchor, LookAnchor)
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> entityAnchorArgument() {
return Commands.literal("entityanchor")
.then(Commands.argument("arg", ArgumentTypes.entityAnchor())
.executes(ctx -> {
final LookAnchor lookAnchor = ctx.getArgument("arg", LookAnchor.class);
ctx.getSource().getSender().sendRichMessage("You chose <aqua><anchor></aqua>!",
Placeholder.unparsed("anchor", lookAnchor.name())
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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GameMode argument
The game mode argument works the same way as the first argument of the Vanilla /gamemode <gamemode>
command. It accepts any of the 4 valid game modes, returning
a GameMode
enum to use in code.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> gameModeArgument() {
return Commands.literal("gamemodearg")
.then(Commands.argument("arg", ArgumentTypes.gameMode())
.executes(ctx -> {
final GameMode gamemode = ctx.getArgument("arg", GameMode.class);
if (ctx.getSource().getExecutor() instanceof Player player) {
player.sendRichMessage("Your gamemode has been set to <red><gamemode></red>!",
Placeholder.component("gamemode", Component.translatable(gamemode))
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
ctx.getSource().getSender().sendPlainMessage("This command requires a player!");
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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HeightMap argument
The HeightMap
argument consists of the following, valid inputs: motion_blocking
, motion_blocking_no_leaves
, ocean_floor
, and world_surface
. It is often
used for declaring relative positioning for data packs or the /execute positioned over <height_map>
command. E.g. world_surface
would mean that the Y coordinate of the surface of the world on the set X/Z values should be used.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> heightMapArgument() {
return Commands.literal("heightmap")
.then(Commands.argument("arg", ArgumentTypes.heightMap())
.executes(ctx -> {
final HeightMap heightMap = ctx.getArgument("arg", HeightMap.class);
ctx.getSource().getSender().sendRichMessage("You selected <gold><selection></gold>",
Placeholder.unparsed("selection", heightMap.name())
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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Scoreboard display slot argument
This argument allows you to retrieve a DisplaySlot
enum value from the user.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> scoreboardDisplaySlotArgument() {
return Commands.literal("scoreboarddisplayslot")
.then(Commands.argument("slot", ArgumentTypes.scoreboardDisplaySlot())
.executes(ctx -> {
final DisplaySlot slot = ctx.getArgument("slot", DisplaySlot.class);
ctx.getSource().getSender().sendPlainMessage("You selected: " + slot.getId());
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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Template mirror argument
Here, the user has 3 valid input possibilities: front_back
, left_right
, and none
. You can retrieve the result of
the argument as a Mirror
enum value.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> templateMirrorArgument() {
return Commands.literal("templatemirror")
.then(Commands.argument("mirror", ArgumentTypes.templateMirror())
.executes(ctx -> {
final Mirror mirror = ctx.getArgument("mirror", Mirror.class);
ctx.getSource().getSender().sendPlainMessage("You selected: " + mirror.name());
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;
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Template rotation argument
For the template rotation argument, the user has 4 valid input possibilities: 180
, clockwise_90
, counterclockwise_90
, and none
. You can retrieve the result
of the argument as a StructureRotation
enum value.
Example usage
public static LiteralCommandNode<CommandSourceStack> templateRotationArgument() {
return Commands.literal("templaterotation")
.then(Commands.argument("rotation", ArgumentTypes.templateRotation())
.executes(ctx -> {
final StructureRotation rotation = ctx.getArgument("rotation", StructureRotation.class);
ctx.getSource().getSender().sendPlainMessage("You selected: " + rotation.name());
return Command.SINGLE_SUCCESS;